Top 10 Reasons Why F&B Businesses Fail

The F&B business is always an exciting venture for anyone looking to get into it! Although it is time-consuming, it is just as rewarding. However, there are many aspects to running a restaurant that most people forget about. Making these mistakes may end up costing your business. In the worst case, this means total failure.… Continue reading Top 10 Reasons Why F&B Businesses Fail

How Often Should You Change Your Restaurant Menu

So you’re happy with your restaurant’s setup and have managed to stay afloat for several months. Well done! So what’s next? Resting is a sure-fire way to destroy your business. Even if regulars have begun coming in, innovation is the key to staying relevant. One way to keep up is to include trends into your… Continue reading How Often Should You Change Your Restaurant Menu

Create An Unforgettable Restaurant Name

Create An Unforgettable Restaurant Name! When starting a restaurant, one of the most important aspects on deciding on your restaurants name! There are many ways to choose a name for your restaurant – from naming a restaurant after a location, encapsulating a theme or simply playing around with words. This name will stick with your… Continue reading Create An Unforgettable Restaurant Name

How these 7 Pinoy Stalls Became Outstanding Culinary Restaurants 

Wonder how big names become big names in the first place? These restaurants are no stranger to humble beginnings and hard work. Read on for inspiring stories of individuals that took the risk and entered the F&B industry to share their delicious recipes with the world. 1. Manang’s Chicken Manang’s Chicken was Mother’s recipe that… Continue reading How these 7 Pinoy Stalls Became Outstanding Culinary Restaurants 

Find the Right Wait Staff with These Interview Questions

Hiring is a tricky process because you need to get to know your future employee in and out just after a short interview. So what questions should you ask to get skin deep? Generic questions like  “What is your biggest weakness and greatest strength?” may be ineffective at getting an honest response from your candidate but… Continue reading Find the Right Wait Staff with These Interview Questions

A Filipino’s Guide to Surviving the First Year of Restaurant Business

I belong to a group of pioneer restaurant owners. Although the restaurant landscape has changed since we entered it, it is still no easy task to open a restaurant and the first year is by far the hardest to survive. These are a few tips that we used to tide over our business in the… Continue reading A Filipino’s Guide to Surviving the First Year of Restaurant Business

The One Advice that Successful Restaurant Owners Won’t Tell You

As a restaurant owner myself, I started my entrepreneurial journey fresh with rose-coloured glasses. In other words, I was young, optimistic, and had fire in my blood to concur the F&B industry. Basically, I was naïve and idealistic. After the first 6 months of running my restaurant, I was ready to throw in the towel.… Continue reading The One Advice that Successful Restaurant Owners Won’t Tell You

What To Do When Your Restaurant is Failing

If you’re faced with a failing restaurant business the first step is trying to solve the problem from within Your staff is the first place you should turn to when things go south. There is a reason you hired them in the first place. Try getting your accounting department to look over your restaurant finances… Continue reading What To Do When Your Restaurant is Failing

Why Are So Many Restaurants in India Shutting Down?

भारत में इतने सारे रेस्तरां बंद क्यों हो रहे हैं, यह जानने के लिए अपने फेसबुक खाते से लॉगिन करें [restrict] Is your restaurant having trouble bringing in customers? Do they often leave unhappy and with a long list of complaints? Does your restaurant’s management do a terrible job of dealing with day to day… Continue reading Why Are So Many Restaurants in India Shutting Down?

New Technologies Every Restaurant Owner Should Use

In today’s world, it’s hard to ignore the influence of technology, so much so when it’s prevalent in our daily lives and instrumental in how we communicate and connect. In fact, technology has been responsible for automating menial tasks, allowing humans to shift focus to more important aspects. In the F&B industry, technology has been… Continue reading New Technologies Every Restaurant Owner Should Use