SKALE Case Studies

Malaysia’s Premier Mall with over 400 retail stores, Collaborates with SKALE to Drive Footfall, Rebound in Sales for Tenants, and Acquire New Shoppers

How SKALE crafted a nationwide campaign for a major Food service brand.

Indonesia’s Leading Grocery Brand collaborates with SKALE to Drive In-Store Sales and Recurring Customer.

Global FMCG collaborates with SKALE to drive footfall and acquire new customers

A Furniture retailer in Singapore collaborated with SKALE to drive retail store footfall and maximise sales for 4-Day sales event.

A leading Singapore retail mall and more than 15 F&B / Retail operators worked with SKALE to drive footfall, uplift sales and actually track sales ROI real-time

The Singaporean retail company partnered with Skale to drive retail sales at their new store and for Singles Day Sale from 1st to 11th November 2019.