How To Set Your Hair Salon Up For Success

There are tons of successful salon businesses out there catering to large demographics. How do you then plant yourself and your new salon amongst such intense competition? This article is a must-read for any aspiring salon owner that does not only want to survive but thrive in the salon industry. Read on how I set… Continue reading How To Set Your Hair Salon Up For Success

Why Are So Many Restaurants in India Shutting Down?

भारत में इतने सारे रेस्तरां बंद क्यों हो रहे हैं, यह जानने के लिए अपने फेसबुक खाते से लॉगिन करें [restrict] Is your restaurant having trouble bringing in customers? Do they often leave unhappy and with a long list of complaints? Does your restaurant’s management do a terrible job of dealing with day to day… Continue reading Why Are So Many Restaurants in India Shutting Down?

7 Habits Every Small Business Owner Should Develop

After many years in the industry, I realised that being a successful small business owner does not only include hard work and grit. There are many other factors that influence the quality of our leadership. The habits below made me the small business owner that I want to be and I hope that it helps… Continue reading 7 Habits Every Small Business Owner Should Develop

6 Ways to Kickstart Your Small Business

When you first decide to start your business, the first step is to seek advice on how to go about this. I understand that there are a ton of advices that go around, and it can be overwhelming when deciding which advice is legit, and which isn’t. Let’s get real, there is no one-size-fits all… Continue reading 6 Ways to Kickstart Your Small Business