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Five Things to Know About Cashless Payments

The world of business is going digital, fast. Cashless payments are becoming the new norm. <a href="

Corporate Holiday Gifting Ideas

With the holidays right around the corner, you’re probably tossing up what gifts to get your clients. As a startup, you want to make your budget for presents stretch as far possible, which means splurging on splashy gifts for your clients just isn’t reasonable. But a gift doesn’t need to be expensive to be appreciated… Continue reading Corporate Holiday Gifting Ideas

मसाज पार्लर खोलने से पहले खुद ये 4 सवाल पूछें

क्या आप समाज पार्लर खोलने की सोच रहे हैं? यह एक आसान निर्णय नहीं है और मैं निश्चित हूँ कि आप काफी समय से इस जोखिमपूर्ण कार्य को विचार कर रहें होगें। और अब जब आप निर्णय लेने के कगार पर हैं तब स्वयं से यह 7 सवाल अवश्य पूछें जो कि मैने खुद से… Continue reading मसाज पार्लर खोलने से पहले खुद ये 4 सवाल पूछें

Everything You Need To Know About Setting Up a Salon and Spa Business in Singapore

Singapore is known for world class salons and spas. A strong industry that is growing year-on-year and record high numbers of tourists allows owners to enjoy multiple revenue streams with a steady flow of clients. Setting up a spa and salon is a fairly straightforward process. Read on here to find out how in detail… Continue reading Everything You Need To Know About Setting Up a Salon and Spa Business in Singapore

3 Sebab Mengapa Beriklan di Media Cetak Tak Efektif Lagi?

Berkembangan digital terus mengalami perubahan yang signifikan pada bagaimana pemilik usaha mengiklankan produk atau bisnis mereka. Berhubungan dengan itu pula, saat ini kita akan menemui banyak perusahaan penerbitan media cetak yang mulai beralih ke sarana digital untuk melebarkan target pasar mereka, diantaranya seperti Kompas, Tempo dan masih banyak lagi. Pada dasarnya di Indonesia jumlah pembaca… Continue reading 3 Sebab Mengapa Beriklan di Media Cetak Tak Efektif Lagi?

7 Successful Indian Female Entrepreneurs Who Broke the Glass Ceiling

Gone are the days when thinking about successful entrepreneurs brought the picture of a handsome young man in a well-fitted suit to mind. Now, women entrepreneurs are making their way to success in India and are achieving the milestones many men could only hope for. Here you can learn about 7 successful female Indian entrepreneurs… Continue reading 7 Successful Indian Female Entrepreneurs Who Broke the Glass Ceiling

The Routine Of Self-Made Millionaires

Have you ever wondered what it was like to be a self-made millionaire? Contrary to appearances, it isn’t always about the prestige and glamour that is associated with being a millionaire. It really boils down to discipline, self control and dedication. These little things are the secrets to their hard-earned success. Read on to find… Continue reading The Routine Of Self-Made Millionaires

How To Keep Your Employees Excited About The Future of The Company

Sources of adrenaline are often hard to find. Getting your staff excited, and keeping them excited, is key for the future of your business. <a href="

Corporate Holiday Gifting Ideas

With the holidays right around the corner, you’re probably tossing up what gifts to get your clients. As a startup, you want to make your budget for presents stretch as far possible, which means splurging on splashy gifts for your clients just isn’t reasonable. But a gift doesn’t need to be expensive to be appreciated… Continue reading Corporate Holiday Gifting Ideas

Revamping Your Corporate Handbook

A corporate handbook contains a company’s operating procedures. It should be delivered to a worker on their first day in a new job. This is a leadership opportunity for SME owners to use a corporate handbook to establish important policies, communicate what is expected in the workplace and to show that you care about protecting… Continue reading Revamping Your Corporate Handbook