When we talk about a boss or leader, we imagine an authoritative figure that is sharp, intelligent and direct with their employees. The term dominant has been a subject that is viewed as positive in the eyes of politics, office and business, which is why it is important to embody such a quality.. There is… Continue reading Why It’s Important To Be A Dominant Leader
Tag: Leadership
How to Be an Effective, Future-Focused Leader
When we speak of leaders, we imagine an authoritative figure that gives commands and represents his or her entire community. Unlike the movies, being a leader in the real world is a lot more complicated than it seems. Read on to see what sort of qualities you can cultivate to be an effective, future-focused leader.… Continue reading How to Be an Effective, Future-Focused Leader
4 Powerful Ways To Beat the Burnout for Singaporean Business Owners
A burnout can occur when you least expect it. Perhaps you’ve overworked yourself. You’re juggling too many roles. You’re handling more than you can manage. You’re brain is constantly on over-drive and you’ve worked yourself to the brink of exhaustion. It’s not uncommon to hear this in Singapore. In a time and age where we’re… Continue reading 4 Powerful Ways To Beat the Burnout for Singaporean Business Owners
How to Save Your Company Culture From Toxic Employees
There’s many rewards to be reaped from running a company. For instance, as the boss you get to decide on the kind of company culture that you want to shape. Great employers and leaders usually take pride in creating a positive and nurturing environment for their employees – one where both employer and employees grow… Continue reading How to Save Your Company Culture From Toxic Employees
6 Facts About Myanmar’s Tycoon “Pepsi” Thein Tun
At 82, Thein Tun is one of Myanmar’s most venerable tycoons. His company Myanmar Golden Star (MGS) is regarded as one of the ten strongest businesses in the country. MGS is best known for introducing Pepsi into the Burmese Market in the 90’s. There are a lot of good take-aways from this down-to-earth businessman’s attitude… Continue reading 6 Facts About Myanmar’s Tycoon “Pepsi” Thein Tun
A Filipino’s Guide to Surviving the First Year of Restaurant Business
I belong to a group of pioneer restaurant owners. Although the restaurant landscape has changed since we entered it, it is still no easy task to open a restaurant and the first year is by far the hardest to survive. These are a few tips that we used to tide over our business in the… Continue reading A Filipino’s Guide to Surviving the First Year of Restaurant Business
These 2 Mum’s Ran a Malaysian Alterations Empire for 16 Years
Before the year 2002, the few ways one could get their clothes altered in Kuala Lumpur after a shopping spree was to drive up to their neighbourhood alteration shop operated by a part-time seamstress in her home. While there was nothing particularly wrong with the way that alterations were being conducted, Za Altera founders Cheryl… Continue reading These 2 Mum’s Ran a Malaysian Alterations Empire for 16 Years
The One Advice that Successful Restaurant Owners Won’t Tell You
As a restaurant owner myself, I started my entrepreneurial journey fresh with rose-coloured glasses. In other words, I was young, optimistic, and had fire in my blood to concur the F&B industry. Basically, I was naïve and idealistic. After the first 6 months of running my restaurant, I was ready to throw in the towel.… Continue reading The One Advice that Successful Restaurant Owners Won’t Tell You
What To Do When Your Restaurant is Failing
If you’re faced with a failing restaurant business the first step is trying to solve the problem from within Your staff is the first place you should turn to when things go south. There is a reason you hired them in the first place. Try getting your accounting department to look over your restaurant finances… Continue reading What To Do When Your Restaurant is Failing
The Importance of Providing Health Insurance for your Employees
Health insurance will cover your employee’s medical and surgical expenses, encouraging them to visit the doctors more regularly. But why should you provide health insurance for your employees? And why is it so important for your business? This article will explore the impact of health insurance on your small business. 1. Increased Productivity With health… Continue reading The Importance of Providing Health Insurance for your Employees