According to the former Chief Justice of India, Deepak Mishra, more than 3.3 crore legal cases are pending in India in 2018. If you are a business owner who doesn’t want to join this ever-expanding list, you should consider getting insurance for your business. It will ensure that you (the business owner) and the entity… Continue reading Why Every Small Business in India Needs Insurance
Tag: Running a Business
The Importance of Marketing Your Beauty Spa Business in India
Every spa owner hopes of ensuring that more and more customers walk in the door and leave it after being thoroughly pampered. Some spa owners face problems in ensuring that the customers walk through the doors because they don’t pay enough attention to marketing. If you are one of them, then you need to know… Continue reading The Importance of Marketing Your Beauty Spa Business in India
Is a Coworking Space Right for You?
If you’ve been looking for an office for your startup, you’ve undoubtedly been shocked by rental prices, overwhelmed by the idea of furnishing the place, and have likely considered just working out of your house or a coffeeshop until the business makes some money. With co-working spaces – fully equipped, beautifully designed, furnished offices that… Continue reading Is a Coworking Space Right for You?
Report: Why 30% of F&B Businesses in Singapore Fail Every Year
1 in 4 F&B businesses in Singapore churn out of business every year. Many close within the first year of operations. This is the case across segments, from hawkers, to cafes and even high-end fine dining restaurants. Reputable Michelin stars restaurants too, have been leaving the scene. Why is it that even F&B operators with… Continue reading Report: Why 30% of F&B Businesses in Singapore Fail Every Year
Why Your Beauty Store Location Matters in India
Opening a beauty store in a country like India where almost everyone wants quality at the best prices is not a decision to be made lightly. Many Indian business owners have the perception that they should be saving on rent unfortunately this leads to businesses often choose the wrong location. You should not make that mistake,… Continue reading Why Your Beauty Store Location Matters in India
How to Save Your Company Culture From Toxic Employees
There’s many rewards to be reaped from running a company. For instance, as the boss you get to decide on the kind of company culture that you want to shape. Great employers and leaders usually take pride in creating a positive and nurturing environment for their employees – one where both employer and employees grow… Continue reading How to Save Your Company Culture From Toxic Employees
[Part 3] What To Do When Your Restaurant Business Runs out of Cash
As small business owners it’s important to monitor the cash flow of your restaurant business.
We’ve got you covered with these 4 tips that are sure to help you monitor your businesses cash flow so that you’ll always have reserves!
How to Find the Right Bank for Your Business
One of the key foundations of any business is to choose a good banking partner. When you are getting started in your new business, start by deciding which services you need. Make a list, then prioritise your needs. Go out, go shopping, and evaluate which bank or banks offer what you need. Don’t just look… Continue reading How to Find the Right Bank for Your Business
Cons of Running A Family Business
Thinking of opening a business with your family? There are many thriving family businesses around the world but they are no stranger to conflicts that normal businesses face. I myself am in a family business and am here to share my experience on it which will hopefully help you decide whether it is worth it… Continue reading Cons of Running A Family Business
How You Should Operate Your Family Business
Family businesses are a lot to juggle but can be extremely emotionally rewarding at the same time. Where else are you going to find people that are going to stick by you through thick and thin? We all know persistency and hard work is necessary for success and working with your family can certainly bring… Continue reading How You Should Operate Your Family Business