Successful Ways to Promote Your Restaurant

Promoting your restaurant is a great way to achieve brand recognition, new and existing customers, introduce your business to the market and undeniably a lever to increasing sales. The type of restaurant that you operation will also impact the successful promotion of your restaurant such as the size and design. Restaurant promotions are easy and… Continue reading Successful Ways to Promote Your Restaurant

5 Reasons Why Instagram Can Help Your Restaurant Business Succeed

If you’ve ever been on Instagram, scrolling through your newsfeed, it’d be really hard not to notice enticing photos of food adorned with the hashtag: #foodporn. Instagram is ridden with glorious photos of food, ironically not from the restaurant itself, but from diners that want their followers to enviously drool over what they’re having for… Continue reading 5 Reasons Why Instagram Can Help Your Restaurant Business Succeed

3 Things You’re Doing That’s Killing Your Restaurant

There are various factors that contribute to the success of a restaurant. However, more than often, restaurants owners get caught up in the day-to-day tasks and this can lead to neglecting certain important aspects of the business. As the key-decision maker in the restaurant, sometimes we fail to realise how certain actions and decisions are… Continue reading 3 Things You’re Doing That’s Killing Your Restaurant