How Japanese Retailers Drive Store Visits in Malaysia

The Japanese culture has always been held with high regard, be it their etiquette, business or technology advancements. Japanese retailers have been at the top of their game for years now. Driving store visits seem to hardly be an issue for them, while the rest of us here are wondering what their big secret is!… Continue reading How Japanese Retailers Drive Store Visits in Malaysia

Building Brand Loyalty in Malaysia: 3 Simple Ways that Actually Work

As a business owner, we understand that running a business is a tedious but rewarding job. We know you’re doing a lot already so kudos to that! So maybe your business is up and running, and has been for the past couple of years. Are you aware if your business has a solid brand and… Continue reading Building Brand Loyalty in Malaysia: 3 Simple Ways that Actually Work

What Retailers Need to Know before Accepting Payment Gateways in Malaysia

Consumers are increasingly expecting to be able to pay via credit card and online payment gateways. Credit card and online payment options undoubtedly provide a host of advantages. They help to attract more customers, considerably broadening customer capture. They are also responsible for producing high revenue. Customers tend to purchase more when the effect of… Continue reading What Retailers Need to Know before Accepting Payment Gateways in Malaysia

Will brick-and-mortar stores ever disappear? Not likely, but the next move should be to bridge the gap between physical and online shopping

Compare the shopping landscape of today to that of fifteen, ten, or even five years ago and you’ll find a completely different ecosystem today. It is, therefore, not surprising for many to question if brick-and-mortar stores will ever disappear sometime in the future due to the prevalence of online shopping. This could be true to… Continue reading Will brick-and-mortar stores ever disappear? Not likely, but the next move should be to bridge the gap between physical and online shopping

Why E-commerce is Way More Competitive than Offline Retail

With rapid digitalisation paving the way for e-commerce, the idea of dumping brick-and-mortar retail for online retail sounds all the more convincing. Retail no longer requires opening a storefront! Before you heave a sigh of relief, note that this newfound convenience comes with a price. And that means more competition! Here are four solid reasons… Continue reading Why E-commerce is Way More Competitive than Offline Retail

Singapore PDPA – What Every Business Owner Should Know

For business owners, it is important to understand the boundaries, laws and regulations concerning data collection. When customers provide their personal details to your business, they are trusting that you will not abuse this privilege. To ensure a baseline standard of protection for personal data, Singapore’s Personal Data Protection Act 2012 (PDPA) was implemented. So… Continue reading Singapore PDPA – What Every Business Owner Should Know

What Every Online Business Owner Needs To Know About Data Privacy

The modern consumer is keenly aware of businesses data collection habits. While the average person may not know too much, they are mostly aware that their details are being collected and analysed by businesses. There is a direct relationship between growth in the tech industry and the need for user data. From consumer behavior to… Continue reading What Every Online Business Owner Needs To Know About Data Privacy

3 Ways Retail Store Owners Can Win, Despite E commerce

The growing trend of brick-and-mortar retail stores making a shift into the digital arena has got retailers wondering whether the future of retail lies online. It cannot be denied that the world is propelling towards digitisation. In the world of retail, there are still many reasons to believe that physical retail stores are not leaving… Continue reading 3 Ways Retail Store Owners Can Win, Despite E commerce

Keep Your Brick-and-Mortar Store Relevant

The age of the internet seems to have brought on a premonition of sorts for brick-and-mortar store owners everywhere. While major chains such as Giant, Toys R Us and Gap seem to be closing stores all over the country, others seem to be thriving with new retail outlets. While the truth of the matter is… Continue reading Keep Your Brick-and-Mortar Store Relevant

Shifting From Online To Offline Retail

Most online small business owners are a little if not very apprehensive when talks of running an offline retail store or brick-and-mortar come around. While opening several store fronts may be a small dip in capital for major online retailers such as Zalora or Fashion Valet, the reality is that it is a costly task… Continue reading Shifting From Online To Offline Retail