Multiply ROI by 5: The Proven 6-Step Formula for Effective FMCG Spend &Win Campaigns

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Shoppers are ready to open their wallets, but with stiff  competition and alternatives around, you need to give  them that final nudge to bring them to your side.

Here’s the proven 6-Step formula to make that happen.

The first step to an effective FMCG Spend Win Campaign is  to create a plan.

Step 1: Create a Spend & Win Marketing Campaign Plan

A solid plan ensures you have the essential  ingredients to ensure your Spend & Win  Campaign will yield a 5x ROI.

Ensure that you have the following in the plan: 

  • Campaign Name: It must be catchy and attractive to your shoppers.
  • Target Spend Total: How much do you  want to generate from this campaign?  Having a specific figure can help clarify if  your campaign was successful or not when  you audit the campaign at the end.

  • Success criteria: How will you decide this  campaign will be a success? What are your  parameters aside from the target spend  total?

  • Duration: This sets the urgency for shoppers. The shorter the duration, the more they’ll be incentivized  to spend. Normally, you would set the duration during a festive season like Christmas. So, a few weeks  to one month would be good for a Spend & Win Campaign.

  • Amount Spent to Qualify: You need to figure out the optimal minimum spend to get a chance for a  reward. Ultimately, this would depend on the products you sell and the ones you intend to promote  highly during the campaign period. Generally, the lower the better, so that more shoppers will be  inclined to join, especially now that it’s high inflation and there is much economic uncertainty.

Step 2: Determine Prizes and Mechanism

The next step is figuring out the prizes and how the entire process works.


Choose prizes that are exciting and enticing to your shoppers.


Most of your prizes should be something that your shoppers want. Go through your product list and see which ones are bestsellers. Select from there.


Mix it up a  bit with  some new products  you’re launching so that they get to try it as well.


Include a few products that are on the decline to  clear stock.


The next step is how to set the mechanism.


How will you verify the purchase of your shopper?


It2023  so  you  shouldnt  be  doing  manuaverification of receipts anymore.


It’s tedious, and a waste of time for your personnel.

Enter Smart Receiptsa revolutionary product designed for FMCG brands like you.


This technology allows you to automatically verify your shoppers’ receipts without the need for any  POS integration and or QR codes.


Shoppers can simply upload their receipts through  SKALE’s WhatsApp Chatbot or  other alternative  messaging platforms, and it will automatically read  and record the purchase data and connect that to  every individual shopper.

After uploading the receipt, the system will verify the rewards based on the parameters you set earlier. The bigger the spending, the bigger the reward.


Combining smart rewards and real-time receipt scanning at almost perfect accuracy is an effective strategy to get more in-store shoppers, drive repeat visits, and enhance the in-store shopping experience.


This allows you to create an accurate customer profile for each of your shoppers and gives you the opportunity to reach out to them directly for future marketing campaigns.


From transactional data to customer details, you’ll get crucial data points that would allow you to personalize future communications and enable your loyalty marketing campaigns.

Step 3: Select an Exciting Game to Engage your Shoppers

While the SKALE chatbot and smart receipts technology work perfectly fine on their own and will still drive your ROI by at least 5 times, it never hurts to add a fun element.


What better way to create a fun Spend & Win campaign than by adding a game element?

People love games and this engagement factor will naturally increase the likeability of your brand which will help in turning them into loyal customers.


SKALE is an all-in-one marketing solution for FMCG brands like yours.


So, we’ve also developed games that work well with our Smart  Receipts technology.


For example, we have the ever-popular Spin and Win.

Once the shopper uploaded their receipt, they can spin the wheel to determine the prize.

Another game to consider is the digital  scratch card.


After uploading the receipt, they get the opportunity to scratch and win!


And they get the same dopamine rush of winning.


These games can be customized to your brand and integrated easily with your website, or if you have an existing app already, we can work with that.

Another fun gamification tool you can use is the digital stamp card.


This is the ultimate habit-building tool for your new shoppers.


For this one, your shoppers can complete the stamp card and get themselves a cool prize once that happens.


So, this means they will have to make several purchases to get the necessary stamps to finish it. So, the best would be to lower the amount spent requirement for this so that it won’t be hard for them to complete it.


Tip: give them two stamps ahead so that they have the first momentum to complete it.

In all these games, you collect precious first-part customer data like name, cellphone, and email so that you can easily re-engage them directly with future marketing offers.


The battle right now is all about personalization.


If you’re able to personalize, shoppers will easily gravitate to your brand because they explicitly want that personalized shopping experience.

Step 4: Create a Logistics Plan​

Make sure you do a test run.


Do some practice transactions and see if there are  any hiccups in the system so that you can do final  tweaks to ensure a smooth experience.


How will your shoppers get the prizes? Make sure  you coordinate and train your ground staff well so  that the campaign will go smoothly and there will  be no confusion.


Remove friction points so that your shoppers will  have an enjoyable experience  spending and  getting their rewards.


The last thing you want is to promote a spend-  and-win campaign well but have a terrible user  experience.


That experience will stick in your shoppers’  minds!

Step 5: Launch

Once you are satisfied with your test run, it’s time to promote your campaign.


You need to go digital and offline with this.


Do social media ads, leverage relevant influencers, and  use typical marketing tools like posters, billboards, and  even TV ads if your budget allows.


Prepare ahead and let people know that you have an  upcoming campaign so that they can get their wallets  ready.


Launch during festive seasons so that people will be in  the mindset to enjoy and spend.

Step 6: Monitor and Assess

It’s important to check that you’re on track in the  campaign.


Observe both the statistics and on the ground.


The remarkable thing with the SKALE platform is  that you can watch your FMCG spend and win  campaign in real-time.


You’ll see the names, contact details, and  purchases of your shoppers.

Building this customer database is priceless.


You can now go directly to them.


The SKALE Pixel tracks all actions taken on your website, and  in-store (e.g., Store Check-in, Add to Cart Online, and  Purchase In-Store/Online).


You will have better clarity in what they like.


You can now recommend targeted promotions to them that  will have a high success rate.


You can now inform them of your new product launches.  You  can  now  remind  them  to  visit  your  store  through  personalized discounts.

The Next Step

Now that you have read SKALE’s  6-Step Formula for  Effective FMCG Spend & Win Campaigns, it’s time to schedule a meeting with the SKALE Team to plan and execute your FMCG Spend & Win Campaign for  Quarter 4!


Deployment for your Spend & Win Campaign can be as quick as two weeks and even less in most cases.


We’ll be with you every step of the way to ensure  your spend and win campaign gets 5x ROI.

The FMCG Marketer's Guide to First-party Data Collection

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