Create a Secret Menu with these 5 Tips

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Secret menu items are all the buzz these days – remember when everyone was posting about the pretty pink bubblegum frappe from Starbucks? These items excite customers with it’s exclusive nature and gives them the incentive to be adventurous and try it.

Creating a secret menu becomes free advertising and a form of reward to your regulars because it makes them feel special and appreciated. So why not kill two birds with one stone and create a secret menu with these 5 simple steps? Oh and did I mention that it costs close to nothing as well?

1. Decide on Your Ingredients

Pick ingredients that are either on trend or that are special and unique. This item has to stand out from the rest of your menu and the more unusual it is, the better. 
Ever heard of freakshakes? They are over the top milkshakes topped with candy floss, doughnuts, whip cream, sprinkles and multiple scoops of ice cream.

 Latch onto this trend by creating your own version of it and advertising it as the best freakshake in town. Customers are bound to be drawn in and eager to try it!


2. What About It’s Name?

The name “Freakshake” is already eye-catching enough. But if you’re coming up with your own original secret item, make sure to create a sense of mystery with its name. 
Pro-tip: Using abbreviations and questions for the name of your dish.

The mystery will get customers curious enough to want to try these items out!

3. Hype It Up!

Want to make these dishes even more special and exclusive? Include your staff into the mix by reminding them to “Celebrate” every time a customer orders a secret menu item.

Or create a further sense of mystery by having your staff act hesitant to sell it. Ask questions like: “Are you sure you’re brave enough to try it? It’s not for the faint-hearted!” This will reel up customers even more! It is important to hype up secret menu items because it really is a treat for your customers.

4. Get Them Out There!

You won’t have to do much for this forth step – just remember to add it to your existing menu online and get your staff to get the conversation going with customers as well.

Word of mouth will then go a long way for your restaurant. Just remember to maintain the hype around these items!

5. Keep It Short

What I recommend is to keep the time frame for secret menu items short – so that it will create a sense of urgency for consumers to try it before it runs out. 
However, this is also depending on the demand. If there is so much demand that you run out of ingredients, you can then expand the time frame to capture an even larger customer base. 
Actionable Takeaway: 
The success of secret menu items depends on word of mouth! So make it mysterious, exclusive and hype it up!

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