SEO: What It Is And How You Can Use It For Your Business To Thrive

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of making a website more accessible through search engine results pages. The process includes a wide-range of strategies aimed at increasing organic traffic to your website.

SEO is a complex mechanism that relies on specific algorithms. While these calculations are not obvious to everyone, there are some fundamental strategies that can be made use of.

1. Produce Quality Content

This is one strategy that is constantly being highlighted. Whether it’s’ to increase followers on social media, engagement rates or SEO, your output is a primary factor. When writing SEO content, give consideration towards what people are searching for. This includes common keywords that are relevant to your business/industry. SEO content is optimized; it is clear, concise and simple.

2. Backlinks [restrict]

Backlinks are any links to your website, meaning that another site that links directly to yours. Search engines tend to prioritize websites that have high-quality links that lead back to their site. This is because citing a link provides source credibility and makes a website come across as legitimate. Furthermore, users of another site may be drawn to your site if there is a link.

3. On-Page Optimization

On-page optimization relies on title tags, meta descriptions and image alt text. These sound complex to anyone new to SEO, so let’s break it down a little:

• Title Tags: If your website shows up as a result of a search, the keywords used in the search will be highlighted on the user’s search result. These highlights are title tags.

• Meta Descriptions: After a search, you will see the title of a relevant page and a short description underneath the title tag. This short description is called a meta description.

• Alt Text: Also known as “alt attributes” and “alt descriptions” is the text that appears after mousing over an image. The text is a HTML code that usually describes the image or provides a link to the source of the image.

4. Off-Page Optimization

As mentioned, SEO algorithms are highly complex. A lot of the important things happen behind the scenes. At a closer glance, the more successful companies have the finance and time to build off-page optimization strategies. Some of these strategies involve social media, link building and social book marking. Of the three, social media is the cheapest (technically free) and best way to get started.

So why is any of this important? Well, SEO’s primary role is to improve a website’s search engine rankings. These rankings determine how many organic viewers your website garners. Most search engine users will not go much further than the first or second page of search results. Thusly, the higher your ranking, the wider your reach.

Remember that SEO is a very competitive platform. It is time-consuming to improve your website’s visibility. Most people combine a series of other online marketing strategies such as pay-per-click advertisements and content partnerships. While this may require some capital, the costs are manageable depending on your needs.

Actionable Takeaway:

Search for keywords that are relevant to your business or website and view the results on the first page. Identify how your competitors are staying on top of their rankings. This will help you determine workarounds and personalized strategies for your own website.


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