Many successful women get ahead of their peers by being subtly aggressive. Underneath the charming smiles and gentle humility is really a take-charge fiery attitude that drives it all. These 4 tips will help set you on the path to success as a businesswoman who is looking to increase productivity and profits.
1. Working On A Network
Successful businesswomen take every opportunity they can to network. Networking helps you align yourself with the right communities that are beneficial to your career. Every person is a chance to learn or try something new. This extends to relationships that are both casual and career.
Build your business relationships steadily. Doing so ensures long-term sustainability with clients, customers and associates. If possible, try and keep in touch personally by meeting up every so often.
Be wary of taking your contacts for granted though. Realize that a network is an ecosystem, not a food chain. Just as you expect help from others, they will of you too. In these times, try giving selflessly, knowing that there will come and time when you may be reliant on them too. A give-and-take attitude is what helps relationships within your network thrive.
2. Practicing Creativity [restrict]
Cliched, but compulsory. Creativity isn’t just a gift some lucky few are given, it is a skill. With time and patience, you can utilize hone these skills to give your business the right edge. Innovation is key for women who need to adapt to changing business environments. You will eventually face circumstances that are out of your control. The challenge here is in being adaptable and finding creative solutions in times of adversity.
Verbal and visual aids can help develop your creative side. Coming up with ways to market a product or advertise your business is a challenge of creativity. It is akin to finding 10 unusual ways to use a needle. Let the ideas flow and you will see the results in no time!
3. Becoming Better Organized
It is not as hard to get organized as some may think. Taking just 10 minutes every morning to plan out a to-do list is underrated. If you can’t plan out a simple to-do list for yourself, how do you expect to plan a work schedule or business meetings?
If you are a familiar with to-do lists or would like to apply it to your work-life immediately, then start by organizing your immediate work environment. Filing papers, clearing clutter and marking calendars. E-mails, phone calls, errands, leave no stone unturned! Keep the reminders simple so you do not feel overwhelmed if there is too much on your plate.
Eventually, you will realize that these simple things translate to much bigger things when you are juggling finances, staff salaries and so forth. The key is in doing the simple things well.
4. Getting The Right Education
Education isn’t a fancy piece of paper signed by officials and framed on your bedroom wall. It is the ability for one to learn something and apply it effectively. Successful businesswomen know this, and they hunger for the knowledge that will drive them further in their careers.
There are many websites that offer free resources. From simple YouTube videos to lectures from colleges, you can improve your knowledge-base in a way that suits you. Even if you are bogged-down with work-related errands, there are mini-tutorials that teach you how to facilitate certain processes for efficiency. Processes like Microsoft Office management, e-mail consolidation and groupchat networks can be streamlined to be effective components of your businesses.
With today’s gender-equal society, women have every right to push as far as they can with their ideals. Whether those ideals are business-oriented or not, the possibilities are endless when you put your mind to work!
Actionable Takeaway: Find out more about the habits of successful businesswomen from these 2 mums who ran an alterations empire for over a decade.