Become An Amazon Seller In India With 4 Easy Steps

4 आसान चरणों के साथ भारत में एक अमेज़ॅन विक्रेता बनने के तरीके के बारे में जानने के लिए अपने फेसबुक या लिंक्डइन खाते से लॉगिन करें

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Become An Amazon Seller In India With 4 Easy Steps

Amazon and Flipkart have been established as leading platforms in Indian e-commerce. As such, many people are trying to find out how they can be a part of this venture. Here are 4 easy steps to become an Amazon seller in India.

1. Registration

The first step is registering a seller’s account with Amazon.

If you plan to sell more than 40 items or products a month, you will want to choose a professional account.

If you have less than 40 items, you may also choose to sign up for an individual account.

Ensure you have these documents:

• Address, phone number and e-mail
• Bank account info (holder name, account type, IFSC code)
• VAT/CST registration information
Legal name

2. Listing

Listing is very simple. You can use Amazon’s web-based interface to list products one by one. You can make use of their excel-based inventory files if you are listing products in bulk. Information and procedures required may vary based on whether your items are already in their catalogues.

3. Amazon Fees

Amazon’s fees include the following:

• Commission (4%-15%)
• Closing Fee (10rs. Per unit sold)
• Shipping Fee (30 rs-local, 45 rs-metro, 55rs-national)
• 14.5% service tax

4. Logistics

The “Manage Orders” tab inside Seller Central allows you to view and manage pending orders. There are 3 main methods of delivery that most people use:

• Fulfillment By Amazon : Orders are fulfilled and shipped by Amazon.

• Easy Ship: You can pack your orders and schedule a pickup through Seller Central

• Manual: You store and deliver your own products. You need to manually pack and ship items, and then keep your customer up to date through Seller Central.

Actionable Takeaway: India is leading the world of mobile retail behind China. Keeping up to date with e-commerce tactics and strategies will help you stay ahead of the market buzz.


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