Running a startup is often a dream come true – seeing a vision you’re passionate about come to fruition, handpicking your own team and being your own boss are what many people aspire to. But the reality of founding a startup also usually involves stressing about money.
Luckily, Financio, the cloud-based accounting software created for non-accountants, offers a tool that can effectively, efficiently simplify your financial management needs so that the stress you suffer from is brought on by things far bigger picture than accounting. Read on to learn more about how Financio can benefit you.
Automated paperwork
Managing paperwork and invoicing can be a huge time-suck, but using a software with account automation and e-Invoicing features is a simple fix to making this huge undertaking a breeze. With Financio, you can issue invoices, track payments, record expenses and even prepare tax documents with a few quick clicks.
Unlimited Users [restrict]
Invite an unlimited number of users to your account, making it easier for you to delegate tasks and ensure everyone on your staff can assist with managing their own expenses, and even their clients’ invoicing needs.
Flexible Permissions
That said, you have the ability to tailor account permissions for different users. Choose from read-only, create or approval options to provide your team members with the amount of functionality you’d like them to have in the system.
Financio Connect
If vendors or clients you work with also use Financio, you can use Financio Connect to easily conduct business. You can use the tool to make transactions, send messages and updates, and transfer files to each other, making the process of doing business that much simpler.
Singapore GST Compliant is important, if you are in Singapore
Speaking of taxes, Financio is IRAS compliant, which means you can easily create GST F5 and IRAS Audit Files (IAF) when the time comes. It saves time, stress and money, as you don’t have to go through an outside accounting firm specifically for tax purposes. You’re welcome.
By using Financio at your startup, you’ll be able to manage your company’s financial matters easily, giving you more time to focus on all the reasons you wanted to found a startup in the first place
This article was contributed by micro/small business solutions provider Financio.
Financio, a product of ABSS, brings small business accounting automation to Singapore and other countries, redefining how small business owners handle accounting and tax tasks, bringing accounting software to the next level.
Find out more about Financio and branded accounting software and their wide range of products and services here.