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If you get one paying customer does it mean your idea is validated?

Ye! It’s an awesome feeling when we get our first customer to sign up. It’s really a motivator to slog out to get more. But, when you are a new startup project, you are still trying to discover what kind of target audience and pain point does your product resonate and creates a significant value. … Continue reading If you get one paying customer does it mean your idea is validated?

4 Things Indian Startups Should Focus On Developing

अपने फेसबुक या लिंक्डइन अकाउंट के साथ लॉगिन करें 4 पहलुओं को जानने के लिए भारतीय व्यवसायों को विकास पर ध्यान देना चाहिए! [restrict] India’s mobile commerce industry is a top channel for digital commerce. The lack of technological spread throughout the initial internet-boom has seen Indian consumers skip the PC and jump straight into… Continue reading 4 Things Indian Startups Should Focus On Developing